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Re: kol isha and Chabad and Carlebach

With all due respect to what Shlomo Carlebach and his music means to
people; at the Carlebach shul in NY, women aren't allowed to act as
songleaders/performers, and can sing along only from the women's section
(although I understand that women are allowed to play instruments at some

 Keep in mind that Shlomo
>Carlebach, z"l, *left* Chabad because he could not get a heter (permission)
>to sing before mixed audiences (i.e., of men and women)--and that was a
>question of a (Orthodox) *man* singing!  Just try getting Chabad, anywhere,
>to sponsor a concert involving Jewish women singing ... -- Robert

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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