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Re: Carlebach

The Carlebach tapes will be mailed from Tampa, Florida today March 1. Please 
let me know when they arrive...and what you think of the radio show..

mike eisenstadt

<< Dear Mike Eisenstadt,
 thank you for your attention. I'd be delighted to listen to your tape!
 You can mail it to the address below.
 >In a message dated 2/13/00 7:43:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,
 >yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it writes:
 ><< I'm currently planning a radio show on Sh. Carlebach (for the Radio
 >  Popolare, Milano, three year old show, now at its fifth edition). >>
 >I play a lot of Shlomo Carlebach's music and stories on my radio show.  
 >Thirty days after he passed away (shloshim), I did a special show which
 >featured the music and a number of interviews with people close to Shlomo.  
 >will be happy to send you the tape of that show....please send me your 
 >mailing address in Italy.(privately to my email address)
 >mike eisenstadt
 > >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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