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Re: Yiddish Errors and Labor Songs

Ho, boy. My husband says that if you want to learn a language, you have to 
be willing to make embarrassing mistakes...but to have been the perpetrator 
of a howler on the level of "Kids Say the Darndest Things" - and worldwide 
yet - smarts. If I had bothered to re-read my earlier post in which I 
misstated the name of the YIVO newsletter before hitting the send button - 
well, that's the alternative universe. No offense meant. No snide 
double-entendre (and inaccurate, anyway) in not referring to the newsletter 
as "Yedies". And special thanks to Fraidy, who gently pointed out my error 
off-list, instead of leaving me to publicly roast unawares.

Think I'll just lurk for awhile - or stick to English. :-)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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