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Reply to Isabelle : Re: Moni Ovadia

IG>On Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:25:21 -0500 iganz <IGanz (at) compuserve(dot)com>
IG>Dear Jacob,

IG>What does it mean: "both cantors and opera performers push their 
IG>voices beyond the normal range of standard vocalization"?
IG>There's a place for evey purpose under heaven.  Cantors and opera
IG>performers do not push their voices, unless they are bad singers.  
IG>What they do is use a lot of diaphragmatic muscle (as well as the
IG>between the ribs for support) and raise their soft palates (the fleshy

IG>back part of the roof of the mouth that contains muscles that can be 
IG>trained) to create a large resonance space.                           

JF>For me, standard vocalization is when a persons range of audible sound
remains the 
JF>same; whether that person is singing or speaking; i e, normal
conversation or singing happy JF>birthday to a child. If performers,
particularly cantors and opera, did not "push" themselves, JF>whether in
key, pitch, range,  tone, volume, etc.; what would be their goals for
JF>rather than standing there and looking good.
IG>Now what is "normal"  and what is "standard" for you?  Indeed, the 
IG>operatic sound isn't appropriate for folk music in general, since one
is trying 
IG>to imitate untrained voices.  When doing that, lower the palate,
IG>the vibrato, forget the operatic sound.  But what's normal for
klezmer, or
IG>Yiddish song, or Sephardic song is not normal for operatic singing, 
IG>which must carry in a large hall with no amplification.  There's a
place for 
IG>all styles of singing. 

JF>I would say your closing comment is a "cheap shot" and is uncalled
for. I don't recall affronting JF>anyone. I replied to a request  to
clarify a  comment, from  an earlier message. Just,  as I JF>replied to
yours.  I am just as entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours.  

IG>Your generalization of cantors and opera performers "pushing" their 
IG>voices is an un-thought-out affront to all in both fields.

IG>Isabelle Ganz
IG>Affiliate Artist in Voice, University of Houston


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