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Fwd: Opportunity to Promote Your Instrument/Music

Hope some list members can take advantage of this.


>From: jdv (at) pgh(dot)net
>To: "TamburaWeb News List" <jdv (at) metamatrix(dot)com>
>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 09:37:37 -0500
>X-Distribution: Bulk
>Subject: Fwd: Opportunity to Promote Your Instrument/Music
>Reply-to: jdv (at) metamatrix(dot)com
>Priority: normal
>To globe-l (at) nevada(dot)edu
>Subject Seeking Sound Clips
>I am seeking short (30 seconds or less) sound clips in RealAudio from
>musicians playing World Music instruments -- didgeridoo, bagpipes,
>doumbek, mbira -- anything -- for a new archive of instrument sound
>clips on World Music at  The only requirement is that the
>musician performing the clip is yourself, and what you are playing is
>your own composition or something in tbe public domain.  It doesn't
>have to be anything fancy -- playing a scale or short solo is enough,
>as long as it reflects the sound of the instrument.  All whose clips
>get into the archive will have their name and location noted as well
>as a link to your e-mail and Web site (if you have one).  Please
>e-mail your sound clips to worldmusic(dot)guide (at) about(dot)com I'll be
>deciding which clips to pur into the archive based on sound quality,
>copyright issues (see above staements about it being your own work),
>and first come first serve.
>Paula Kirman
>World Music at
>Producer and "Guide" of the best World Music site on the 'Net
>http// - Music from cultures and languages around
>the world,
>with weekly features and links from over 28 countries.
>Come visit me in Edmonton

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:           781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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