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Yiddishe Cup schedule

YIDDISHE CUP's upcoming public appearances: 

7:30 pm Sun., Feb. 27.  Walsh University, N. Canton, Ohio. concert. $.
Jesuits rocks to klez.

8:30 pm Sat., March 4.  Case Western Reserve University, 
Cleveland, Ohio.  Matzah Ball. $.  Jewish students pelt each other with
matzah balls and falafel balls -- a battle of Ashkenazim and Sephardim.

4:30 pm Sun., March 19.  Purim Gala, Westin Crown Center Hotel, Kansas
City, Mo. $.  Modern Orthos do the black-tie pre-Purim hora. 

7:30 pm Mon., March 20.  The Temple - Tifereth Israel.  Purim. Beachwood,
Ohio.  Free.  Formerly Classic Reform shul goes haywire.

7:30 p.m. Sat., April 15. Cottey College, Nevada, Mo. concert. $.
A women's college.  Separate sex dancing, for sure, Ozark-style.

For more info, please contact:
Bert Stratton
Yiddishe Cup Klezmer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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