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Re: Carlebach (addendum)

Shalom Francesco,

    Thank you. I want to pay your attention to my second CD on Carlebach
(Klezmers playing Carlebach) which is called "Yakhad" (In Unison). On both
CDs I have 48 of R' Shlomo's tunes arranged in strings, My playing of
Carlebach is based on personal contact with him, and it is my
interpretation to this phenomenon.

Moshe Berlin

P.O Box 331
Elkana 44814

Sulam     -    Klezmer music from the Land of Israel
P.O Box 331 Elkana 44814 Israel   tel/fax + 972 3 9362082
mailto:berlim (at) mail(dot)biu(dot)ac(dot)il

Francesco Spagnolo wrote:

> To myself not being a fan of Carlebach, I must add that I deeply
> enjoyed Musa Berlin's CD on Carlebach, (Klezmers Playing Charlebach)
> which helped me get his music into a wider perspective... I am indeed
> a fan of Musa's, expecially after seeing him play on Har Meron last
> year on Lag ba-'Omer.
> Francesco
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> YUVAL  ITALIA     Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
> the  Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music
> via della Guastalla,19            20122 Milano Italy
> tel/fax +39 02 55014977    yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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