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klezmer music in Israel

I noticed there was a discussion recently on klezmer music in Israel. I
would suggest that anybody interested in this subject read my article:
Rubin, J. (1998). Rumenishe shtiklekh: Klezmer music among the Hasidim in
contemporary Israel. In: Judaism, Issue no. 185, vol. 47, no. 1 (Winter):
pp. 12-23.  

It contains the (preliminary) results of my work with hasidic and other
orthodox wedding musicians (including Moshe "Musa" Berlin) in Israel since
1992, as well as an extensive bibliography on the subject. Rita Ottens' and
my book, "Klezmer-Musik" (Baerenreiter/dtv, 1999) also contains some
reflections on this topic (pp. 303-308), and our recent anthology, "Oytsres
(Treasures): Klezmer Music 1908-1996 (the "soundtrack" to the book, Schott
Wergo SM 1621-2, 1999), contains an excerpt of the "T'khies ha-meysim" (the
resurrection of the dead) ritual, musically a variant of the
Jewish-Romanian doina, as performed by the late clarinetist Avrom Segel,
the mentor of Musa and other musicians of his generation and for many years
the most important performer of (orthodox) klezmer music in Israel. 

In the credit where credit is due department: although never meant for
public consumption, the "Yiddish Encyclopedia Biography" of Joseph
Moskowitz provided to the list by Peter Harrow (aka Joshua Horowitz) was my
rough translation from Zylberzweig's Leksikon fun yidishn teater, vol. 1,
done a number of years ago. 

Joel Rubin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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