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Re: klezmer music in Israel


I am most worried about your comment,

>In the credit where credit is due department: although never meant for
>public consumption, the "Yiddish Encyclopedia Biography" of Joseph
>Moskowitz provided to the list by Peter Harrow (aka Joshua Horowitz) was my
>rough translation from Zylberzweig's Leksikon fun yidishn teater, vol. 1,
>done a number of years ago. 

Obviously, I cannot speak to the specifics of the kvetch, but this is
clearly more than an attempt to claim credit. Your use of Josh's birth
name, as though to imply that the name he uses professionally is an 
attempt to hide, suggests something much nastier, and inappropriate to
this list. 

I have to say that Josh has spent many hours participating on this
list, such that many other knowledgeable people also participate regularly
on this list and make this list worth reading.

You joined this list long before Josh, but have yet to participate other than
to note new Joel Rubins products, or in this case, to claim that something was 
shared that was really yours to share, or, one presumes, not to share.

If there is an issue here, I must suggest that you take it offline, between 
yourself and Josh. 

And I invite you, given that you have been subscribed to this list for many
years, to actually participate.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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