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Re: Jewish Pageantry circa 1930-40s

  Yes, how many obnoxious Pilpuhls does it take to screw in a light bulb?  
P.S. If you don't know what a Pilpuhl is ask your Rebbe!
   Look for the Union Label Goodman

>From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Jewish Pageantry circa 1930-40s
>Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 20:02:39 EST
>In a message dated 1/31/0 8:58:36 AM, goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:
>Hey I've belonged to the Teamsters and we always played and paid on 
>   Trudi the G
>  >>
>That's a good one, got anymore good jokes!

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