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Re: Aliza Greenblatt / Thieves slang

I mean, I found some actual sheet music of songs that she and others had written
music to, that's all.  Someone had asked, I think, if she had written the music 
if her poems had been set to music by someone else.  Am I remembering correctly?


Susan Lerner wrote:

> I'd love cites to the pieces about Greenblatt.
> Shira
> At 02:16 PM 1/21/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >Two - two -two queries in one!
> >
> >I don't have the messages in question here, but I remember someone asking
> >about
> >Aliza Greenblatt and music.  I've run across a few pieces if people are
> >interested.
> >
> >When we were discussing Der Rebe Elimeylekh someone brought up thieves slang,
> >something like ganev-loshen, and I am interested in knowing how you know 
> >about
> >this and where one learns such a thing and what other lexical items you might
> >share with us.
> >
> >That's it!
> >Lorele
> >

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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