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question re. transcriptions of Leverett album

>In the notes, will there be transcriptions?
>skip heller

Not a common practice with a CD. However, several of the tunes Margot plays
on her new album are transcribed in the Klezmer Plus folio by Pete Sokolow
(which are transcriptions of the tunes that appear on the CD of the same
name featuring clarinetist Sid Beckerman, Margot's teacher, and saxophonist
Howie Leess.)

The folio is available through a bisl yidishkayt.



a bisl yidishkayt
web site:
   (on-line ordering available)
e-mail: klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com
M/C, Visa accepted

phone and fax toll-free: 1-877-YIDDISH
(Boston area: 781-643-1957)

P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA  02140

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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