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Re: more on misirlou

In a message dated 1/11/0 9:44:22 AM, itzik (at) mail(dot)utexas(dot)edu writes:

<< I haven't followed the entire discussion on the misirlou, but has anyone
mentioned that there are Yiddish lyrics for it as well? - Itzik


Yiddish version was a "hit" for Seymour Rechtziet. 
We carry  a wonderful CD by Yakob Sandler called "Yiddish Tanz Music' that 
features Misirlou in well as other songs translated into Yiddish 
for "you dancing pleasure' such as "Ramona,' "Anniversary Song," the Italian 
song "Il Mondo" (big hit by Englebert Humperdink) is translated as "Mein 
Great CD if you are looking for Tangos!
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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