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The Art of Klezmer Clarinte CD

****ON SALE** "The Art of Klezmer Clarinet" by Margot Leverett**ON SALE****
$11.98, shipping INCLUDED

We just received preview copy of "The Art of Klezmer Clarinet" by Margot 
Leverett. We are offering this wonderful recording at a special pre-release 
price of $11.98 shipping included. 

Margot Leverett delivers what so many others have promised. This CD could 
easily have been called a "Loving Tribute to Sid Beckerman" who was her 
teacher. The liner notes are as unpretentious as is the music.  Margot 
credits those who were so instrumental in her "Klezmer Education" such as 
Joel Rubin, Alicia Svigal, Henry Sapoznik, Lorin Sklamber, Michael Alpert, 
David Krakauer, and of course Sid and May Beckerman.  Truly one of the finest 
examples of "Traditional" Klezmer.

The special price of $11.98 will be in effect until Jan 15, the release date 
of this recording.
Visa & Mastercard accepted.

Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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