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RE: Israeli Klezmer

In a message dated 1/10/0 5:59:36 AM, drosenberg (at) dht(dot)com writes:

<< Moshe also recorded a CD under the name Sulam. I heard it somewhere
(Sunday Simcha, Shalom America?) and got Simon's last copy. It consists
of violin, clarinet, flute, piano and percussion. Although the piano
player is credited with playing piano and keys on the notes I didn't
notice anything "electronic" or "electric" about the recording, so I am >>

"Sulam' is the recording tat I recvommended. It was featured on many of 
theNPR stations as well as classical music radio.  this is not the 
"electronic" recoridgns that I was referring to.  I had spoken  with Moshe 
and  I feel he is a wonderful "soulful" musician. I would love to see him 
record with one of the American bands.
Hanku, can you give him a "gig" till Don Byron comes back??? :-)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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