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RE: italian (Neapolitan) Klezmer band - "Knorr band"

For a start go to the web site

where Shawn Weaver of "Shawn's Kugel" has thoughfully posted many pieces
of sheet music, both original and traditional.


>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Ferdinando Gandolfi [SMTP:bewsealt (at) tin(dot)it]
>Sent:  Thursday, January 06, 2000 1:41 PM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:       italian (Neapolitan) Klezmer band - "Knorr band"
>hello, we are six goyim from Naples, Italy. We are crazy about klezmer and
>balkanian music, and (though it may seem incredible) we play it!
>Our main source for klezmer music is Szapotnik's "The complete klezmer".
>So we always are in search for new music sheets and yiddish songs lyrics too.
>But the search is hard and difficult because in our country  klezmer and
>balkanian music are not  very diffused and well-known.
>Can anybody help us? Please, post for us! ;-))

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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