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Re: help?

How about Yocheved's Progeny?

Basya Schechter wrote:

>       Hi this is Basya. (Pharaoh's Daughter)     I'm presently
>      working on my second album, this time Jewish Music (whatever
>      that is) and I'm having a difficult time coming up with a
>      title for the album.  The music uses a lot of eastern
>      instruments like oud, dumbek, tabla, and other instruments
>      like cello flute, electric guitar etc.  The songs, some are
>      original music using biblical text some are ladino, one is
>      Yiddish, another liturgical another uses different Torah
>      reading styles.  One thing that I'm trying to include in the
>      concept of the title, (though it's not a must) is the idea
>      of mixing ashkenazi and sephardic sensibility into one,
>      (though the album will probably me more slanted towards the
>      eastern side..) Someone suggested using a word that relates
>      to the story of Pharaoh's Daughter like "reeds," or
>      something like that.I'm supposed to come up with this pretty
>      soon.  Of course, if anyone here figures out a title that I
>      use, you will win 5 free CD's.Thanks in advance for your
>      ideas and your help.basya.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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