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Re: help?

    Hi this is Basya. (Pharaoh's Daughter)
        I'm presently working on my second album, this time Jewish Music 
(whatever that is) and I'm having a difficult time coming up with a title for 
the album.  The music uses a lot of eastern instruments like oud, dumbek, 
tabla, and other instruments like cello flute, electric guitar etc.  The songs, 
some are original music using biblical text some are ladino, one is Yiddish, 
another liturgical another uses different Torah reading styles.  One thing that 
I'm trying to include in the concept of the title, (though it's not a must) is 
the idea of mixing ashkenazi and sephardic sensibility into one, (though the 
album will probably me more slanted towards the eastern side..) Someone 
suggested using a word that relates to the story of Pharaoh's Daughter like 
"reeds," or something like that.  
    I'm supposed to come up with this pretty soon.  Of course, if anyone here 
figures out a title that I use, you will win 5 free CD's.
    Thanks in advance for your ideas and your help.  

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