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Re: questioning the need for criterion

I'd like to add my two cents, which is that the day we decide that
we can put "Jewish music" in a box, the need or desire for this
mailing list vanishes.

I think these are issues that can be discussed with respect, and
generally are, present discussion included.


At 06:07 PM 12/28/99 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/28/99 1:14:01 PM, Velaires (at) aol(dot)com writes:
>Recent threads to the effect of "What is Jewish music?" have been resulting 
>in some of the cattiest postings this or any other newsgroup has to offer.  >>
>Hey Skip,
>I realize that you're relatively new to the list, so if you think this is 
>"catty" you should have been here about a year ago. This has been an on going 
>debate for over a year that once was settled. We agreed, not to  necessarily 
> Unfortunately, the topic keeps coming up, and will never be resolved since  
>we all have our own prejudices and each person's opinion is as valid as the 
>next.......except for mine, which is a little more valid than the other guy's 
>(Animal Farm??)  ;-)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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