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Re: questioning the need for criterion

In a message dated 12/28/99 1:14:01 PM, Velaires (at) aol(dot)com writes:

Recent threads to the effect of "What is Jewish music?" have been resulting 
in some of the cattiest postings this or any other newsgroup has to offer.  >>

Hey Skip,

I realize that you're relatively new to the list, so if you think this is 
"catty" you should have been here about a year ago. This has been an on going 
debate for over a year that once was settled. We agreed, not to  necessarily 
 Unfortunately, the topic keeps coming up, and will never be resolved since  
we all have our own prejudices and each person's opinion is as valid as the 
next.......except for mine, which is a little more valid than the other guy's 
(Animal Farm??)  ;-)



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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