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RE: Interview with Josh Waletzky

No, he ran out of time.  Only God knows why Josh wants us to pay for the 
whole recording before approaching any recording company.   Anyway, Jeff 
and Deborah did a lot of travelling last spring and summer and didn't have 
time to work or record.  We were very busy with our daughter's bat-mitsva 
all fall.   However, the recording is supposed to be completed by the 
second week in January.  Then comes mixing and editing.

Josh is a perfectionist and he will never put anything out until it is just 
right from his perspective.  (Remember the last time, he put out a record, 
it was nominated for a Grammy - the only Jewish record besides Perlman's 
"Tradition" to be ever be nominated for a Grammy.  That's why the guy has a 
total of 11 works that were either nominated or won Oscars, Emmys, Grand 
Prize Rose d'Or [Europe's TV Emmy] and Grammys.)    It's hard to believe 
but recording started two years ago.  No one would have imagined that it 
would take so long.   Josh also wrote a new Yiddish song last year upon 
hearing the news of a peace deal in Ireland.   The musicians had to learn 
this yet.

The radio program was taped on either October 24 or 25, 1999.


From:  Matt Jaffey [SMTP:mjaffey2 (at) mum(dot)edu]
Sent:  Tuesday, December 21, 1999 3:47 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  Re: Interview with Josh Waletzky

Thanks to Dick for the info on the radio show. From its contents, I would
guess that it was taped six to nine months ago. I am very much looking
forward to the release of the "Crossing the Shadows" cd, though Deborah
Strauss told me last spring that they had run out of money and time about
half-way through recording. Perhaps someone else on the list has some more
updated info. Reyzl?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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