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Interview with Josh Waletzky

I'm listening to something that absolutely has to heard my members of
this list (and anybody else interested in Klezmer/Yiddish music).

Mike Eisenstadt (klezmer313 (at) aol(dot)com), who is a Klezmer bandleader in 
Tampa area and also has a weekly radio show called the Sunday Simcha,
recently taped an almost hour long interview with Josh Waletzky while
Josh was in Tampa. The interview was originally broadcast on November
21st, but still may be heard on the radio station's web site, as they
archive 4 weeks of shows. But the November 21st show is the oldest one
on the archive, so if you are going to listen, do it rather quickly. The
site is From there click on Shows, then on Sunday, then
scroll down to the Sunday Simcha (12:00), and then November 21st. After
the intro there are 2 hour long Real Audio clips. The interview with
Josh is on the second clip.

It is a great interview. Josh relates his involvement in the early days
of the Klezmer revival with Kapelye, his hiatus from actively playing
Klezmer music and his recent rediscovery, and also his feelings about
the Yiddish language and its use in his household. (And there may be
more. I'm not finished listening yet!)

Josh's wife, Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky, has been known to contribute to
this list. A later part of the interview talks about her

Defnitely required listening.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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