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Re: Re2: klezmer melodic contours 5

Matt Jaffey wrote:
 While there is an obvious need for such a capability at weddings and
> such, I wonder if the 78 rpm recording medium played an important role in
> cementing the cadence onto every piece. i.e. the 3 to 3 1/2 min limitation
> of recording time could have kept the band leader's eye glued to a clock,
> and if things got too close, he could have sped everyone up to an abrupt
> cadence.  

Even some of the Beregovski transcriptions feature this cadence-
apparently some of his informants ended this way while playing for him.
About the 78 rpm recording situation: Since there was so little time, as
you point out, the suites themselves had to be shortened. Remembering
that this cadence expresses an ultimate ending of a tune or suite. Going
from one tune to the next you don't use an ultimate ending, and most
dance pieces in their original context were (and are) played in suites,
so that ending is the ending of the LAST tune of a suite or breaking
point. The recording situation forces this restriction by virtue of its
limited length - i.e. the suites are shorter and must have ultimate
endings. Even the Philadelphia Sher - which is a 6 minute suite that
extends OVER TWO SIDES  -  ends the first side with that cadence. Josh

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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