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Re: klezmer melodic contours 5

For whatever it's worth, on his instructional video, Andy Statman pointed
out the similarity of this ending to the endings of symphonic works in (I
believe he said) the 18th century, and speculated that imitation of the
symphonic works may have been the source. I suppose it could also have been
the other way around if related at all.


At 10:13 AM 12/21/1999 EST, you wrote:
>Sorry for the time warp in my attention to the list; gig season and all.  I 
>loved Josh's answer to the question about the endings, but I think Mr. 
>Puwalski's question regarding the "one ending" is actually about the "klezmer 
>ending," those ubiquitous three notes.  I often wondered about the origin of 
>this.  The American musicians I've asked think of it as somewhat rude signal 
>that the meter has run out; more bills in the case, please, or we'll just sit 
>here with our arms folded.  Anyone have more info?  --Hankus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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