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Re: Jews, Gypsies and Cliches

In line with this current topic we carry these recordings that might be of 
interest to you.

"Carpati: 50 Miles, 50 Years" featuring Yale Strom and Zmiros performing 
Klezmer and Gypsy music.  This is the music from the critically acclaimed 
documentary: The following is from the CD booklet.
"in 1936, there were a quarter of a million Jews living in the Carpathian there are less than 1500. The ...klezmorim in the Carpathian 
Mountains played Jewish music that was strongly influenced by the folk music 
of their non Jewish neighbors and of the Hassidim. When klezmorim were not 
available to play at Jewish wedding in the village, the Rom (Gypsies) were 
hired. Many Klezmer bands regularly included Rom musicians and several Rom 
bands included Jewish musicians
....the Jews and the Rom  ...the only ethnic groups to be singled out for 
genocide by the Nazis during WW II. Today, there are few Jews left in the 
Carpathian Mountains. Thus the bearers of Klezmer and Yiddish song traditions 
are the Rom.

"Gypsy - Jewish - The Magic Violin of Mirel Reznic"
This is an Israeli import. Reznic plays a truely 'frantic" violin.

These Cds are currently in stock

Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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