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Re: Jews, Gypsies and Cliches

In his remake of "To Be or Not to Be", Mel Brooks plays a Polish theatre
owner who expresses neutrality to the Nazi roundups that are happening in
Warsaw.  He only wants to make sure his theatre can keep running.  He
accidently discovers Jewish and Gypsy families cast members have hidden in
the theatre basement.  But his eyes are finally opened when his wife's (Anne
Bancroft) beloved dressing room attendant, Sasha, is taken away by the
Nazis.  He asks why Sasha?  His wife explains that they are taking away the
homosexuals now too.  Now he too is shocked and roused to action.  He
exclaims, "Without Gypsies, Jews and fags there would BE no theater in

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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