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Re: Old world vs. New world klez continuation

At 10:43 PM 11/29/99 +0100, Joshua Horowitz wrote:
<<I just recently got back to my computer, and found some queries from an
old thread concerning klez in the old and new world...>>
<<There were a lot of themes in Matt's letter, so I just randomly chose this
one to start with. Again, if this is boring anyone, we can take it to a
private room for ruminating...>>


I for one found your reply quite interesting. It brought up many thoughts
about aesthetics and intent. Unfortunately, at the moment I don't have time
to respond, but hope to be able to later. If you have a chance to answer
other questions that I asked, that would be wonderful. However, I'll
understand if it turned out to be too much.

As to whether this should continue on the list or not, perhaps if others are
interested in this thread, they should write in to let Josh know, since a
non-response indicates lack of interest.

Thank you again Joshua for your time and generosity.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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