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Re: Old world vs. New world klez continuation

Please keep this thread "on the list"



At 02:11 PM 11/30/99 -0600, you wrote:
>At 10:43 PM 11/29/99 +0100, Joshua Horowitz wrote:
><<I just recently got back to my computer, and found some queries from an
>old thread concerning klez in the old and new world...>>
><<There were a lot of themes in Matt's letter, so I just randomly chose this
>one to start with. Again, if this is boring anyone, we can take it to a
>private room for ruminating...>>
>I for one found your reply quite interesting. It brought up many thoughts
>about aesthetics and intent. Unfortunately, at the moment I don't have time
>to respond, but hope to be able to later. If you have a chance to answer
>other questions that I asked, that would be wonderful. However, I'll
>understand if it turned out to be too much.
>As to whether this should continue on the list or not, perhaps if others are
>interested in this thread, they should write in to let Josh know, since a
>non-response indicates lack of interest.
>Thank you again Joshua for your time and generosity.

Joel Bresler
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