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2 Announcements: David Broza in NYC ; Job opportunity

Two announcements that my boss asked me to pass on to the list.
Feel free to forward them to anyone you think would be interested.

a dank, un zayt gezunt,

45 EAST 33rd STREET, NEW YORK, NY  10016  TELEPHONE: (212) 683-7816  FAX 
(212) 213-2033

Broza Returns to Town Hall Dec. 23, 1999

Dear Friends,

On Thursday, December 23, 1999, at 8pm, David Broza will return to New York 
City's Town Hall after a one year absence due to a near-fatal car accident 
in Israel. He will perform songs featured on his newly released album 
?Masada 1999?, recorded live earlier this year. This triumphant return has 
already generated excitement and anticipation among Jewish and non-Jewish 
concert goers.

The annual David Broza New York winter concert has become a much anticipated 
feature of the holiday season for New Yorkers who know and love this amazing 
Israeli pop star. The concerts, which feature Broza?s virtuoso guitar 
playing, dynamic song stylings and charismatic physical presence, appeal to 
a broad cross-section of American Jewish music lovers.

Broza's music has been described as Flamenco-tinged folk rock melodies which 
"breathe musical life into sensual snippets of poetry."  The 40-year-old 
singer has made a mission of studying the work of American writers for the 
past several years, always reading with a melody in mind.  "My interest in 
poetry stems from my youth in Spain under the Franco regime when poetry, as 
well as other performing arts, was used as a form of protest," explains 
Broza.  "This experience taught me about the strength of poetry, and many of 
my songs are adaptations of poems."

Broza was born in Haifa to an Israeli/British businessman and a folk singer. 
  He was raised in Spain and England.  Originally planning on a career as a 
graphic artist, Broza's interest turned to music while serving in the 
Israeli army.  He played guitar in cafes to earn extra money and was 
eventually discovered and offered a record deal.

Tickets are $40, $35 and $30. We are offering special discounts of 10% for 
groups of 20 or more. To order tickets for individuals or groups, you can 
call our office at 212-683-7816, or any of the outlets listed on our website 
(click here or on the link at the top of this letter).  We look forward to 
hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Moishe Rosenfeld


Assistant/Office Manager Wanted
for premier Jewish music booking agency.

Manage small but busy office as it fulfills its potential for rapid growth; 
opportunity to play increasing role in booking and production.  Must be 
highly organized & detail-oriented, computer-literate, with strong interest 
in music business.  Modest starting salary with lucrative growth potential.

Fax/mail resume or call for interview:
212-213-2033 fax; 212-683-7816 phone.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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