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Re: Reva L'Sheva website

I just forwarded a copy of my newsletter.  Perhaps my creative work may be
of itnerest to you.  Please visit my website and take a peek.
David Chevan

t 12:36 PM 11/15/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Permit me to introduce myself.  I am a journalist working with the
>Jerusalem Post.  I write a monthly column on Jewish music, containing
>reviews, industry news, trends, etc.  The column appears on the last
>Monday of every month.
>The first column I did, which appeared in the Friday magazine section on
>Sept. 24, was a feature and reivew of Reva L'Sheva and their new album,
>Etz Haim - Secrets.
>It is available through a keyword search on the Jerusalem Post archive
>site at  (no www at the beginning).
>If anyone on this list has any ideas for material, news, views, comments,
>etc., please forward them to me at the below address.
>Yehuda Poch                           yehuda (at) jpost(dot)co(dot)il
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David Chevan
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06517
(203) 392-6630

email: chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu or chevan (at) csu(dot)cted(dot)net
or check out my website by clicking here

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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