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Re: Reva L'Sheva website

Permit me to introduce myself.  I am a journalist working with the
Jerusalem Post.  I write a monthly column on Jewish music, containing
reviews, industry news, trends, etc.  The column appears on the last
Monday of every month.
The first column I did, which appeared in the Friday magazine section on
Sept. 24, was a feature and reivew of Reva L'Sheva and their new album,
Etz Haim - Secrets.
It is available through a keyword search on the Jerusalem Post archive
site at  (no www at the beginning).

If anyone on this list has any ideas for material, news, views, comments,
etc., please forward them to me at the below address.

Yehuda Poch                           yehuda (at) jpost(dot)co(dot)il

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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