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RE: lie-lie-OOps!! Big OOps!!

> many things.  I don't want to exclude anyone.  In case anyone is
> interested, the Yiddish sounds in English "lie" would be spelled,
> according
> to the standard YIVO transliteration, as "lay", and the English "lay" as
> "ley".  Are you confused yet?  ;-)

As the originator of this thread, I plead guilty to purposely "misspelling"
the yiddish "word" "lay" as "lie" (and "day" as "die") precisely for this
reason -- so those unfamiliar with YIVO transliteration would not be
confused by "lay," and think I mean it pronounced by Bob Dylan in his song
"Lay Lady Lay."

--Seth Rogovoy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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