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Re:RE: lie-lie-OOps!! Big OOps!!

Good thing I read this message before I replied to the first.  I didn't
think you had it in you to really be mean.  Of course, you are right about
many things.  I don't want to exclude anyone.  In case anyone is
interested, the Yiddish sounds in English "lie" would be spelled, according
to the standard YIVO transliteration, as "lay", and the English "lay" as
"ley".  Are you confused yet?  ;-)

Mit frayndshaft, 

At 05:46 PM 11/04/1999 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 11/4/99 3:32:36 PM, Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com writes:
>My little message was meant to be mean, but I do believe, part of the 
>function of this list is to INFORM, 
>I  >>
>OOPS, Major OOPS. That first line should have read 'My little message was
>meant to be mean!!' Sorry Lor, that was not intentianl or an attempt at
Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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