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Re: Hot Latkes -- interesting new klezmer album

In a message dated 10/30/99 11:14:30 PM, ari (at) IVRITYPE(dot)COM writes:

<< A couple of people have written recently asking for album releases
this year worth exploring further. Aside from the obvious ones like
the new Flying Bulgars (Tsirkus) >>

"Tsirkus" is a very good and unusual Yiddish recording and is doing very well.

Other recordings worth looking at;

We just received
A recording by Yacoub B'Chiri, "Jewish and Arabic Songs from Jerba"...Jerba, 
an island of the coast of Tunisia. The community of Jerba dates back to the 
destruction of the First Temple. B'Chiri is the Chazzan of Jerba since 1930. 
He is accompanied on the oud.

New Artist... Etty Ben-Zaken has a new Ladino recording "The Bride Unfastens 
Her Braids. The Groom Faints." Ladino Love Songs... That IS the title.  A 
Nice recording.

"Ballads Of The Sephardic Jews" by Sarband...This is EXCELLENT by any 

"The Liturgy of Ezra Bessaroth" refers to the Sephardic Congregation Ezra 
Bessaroth in Seattle and is sung by their Cantor Isaac Azose. This is a 2 CD 
set and contains liturgical selections in both Ladino and Hebrew. Excellent 
recording...(and Azose is a heck of a nice guy!!)

"Brikele, A Concert of Yiddish Songs" this is a fantastic new Yiddish 
recording from Europe. Unfortunately, never haveing heard this artist, Maryan 
, I only  picked up a handful. she is the finest Yiddish singer I've heard in 

Hatikah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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