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Re: Chanuka music

Ari wrote:

>Chanuka, dear jama'a, is almost upon us.
>I just reviewed a couple of recent recordings for the holiday on
>the klezmershack
Sruli & Lisa's "Oy Vey, Chanukah" is a gem for kids.  Here's my take on it:

"Oy Vey!  Chanukah!" captivates, educates and delights.  Using a
combination of story, music, and silly banter centered around the Chanukah
theme, it draws a picture of the history and culture of small-town 19th
century Eastern European Jewish life.

For example, one klezmer style, the Terkisher, is introduced and the
listener invited to clap the rhythm along with the kids on the album.
Likewise, learning to count to 10 in Yiddish is a fun prelude to the story
and song about tzen kleyne latkelech (10 small latkes).  This, and several
other songs are sung by a children's chorus - and translated by Sruli and
Lisa.  This invites children into the action once again while introducing
kids to the language.

To learn even more about the history and context of klezmer music, adults
can share the "Klezmer Music Study Guide"  section of the booklet  with

Last, but not least is the musicianship of the two klezmorim  who play,
lead the singing, and tell the stories.  The instrumentals  are strong
enough to stand alone - Sruli Dresdner on clarinet, poyk [drum], accordion,
recorder - and Lisa Mayer on violin and cello -  are first class.  Sruli's
playing is in the Hasidic tradition and reminiscent of Andy Statman's; Lisa
has come into her own as a klezmer fiddler.  If the kids in your life play
clarinet or strings (and/or if you do) they will be inspired.  If not, they
will still enjoy the music immensely.

The musical selections include:
Chanike Oy Chanike; Tzen Kleyne Latkelech, A Chanike Nign, Ale Brider, Der
Yidisher Soldat in di Trentshes/Nokhshpiel, A Chanike Tantz, and Medley of
Yiddish Chanike Songs (Chanike Oy Chanike, Drey Zikh Dreydele, Oy, Ir
Kleyne Likhtelekh)

(and if you want to buy it from us, you can order on-line (below)...


a bisl yidishkayt
web site:
   (on-line ordering available)
e-mail: klezmer (at) yiddishmusic(dot)com
M/C, Visa accepted

phone and fax toll-free: 1-877-YIDDISH
(Boston area: 781-643-1957)

P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA  02140

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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