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Re: klez go classical (was: Buena Vista Social Club)

>I think klezmer suffers from both high artification and from the promiscuous
>fusionizers who meld it with music forms they understand far better than they
>do klezmer.
>Henry Sapoznik

It's very tempting. I was immersed in Balkan music when starting to learn
Yiddish music. I'm still drawn to klezmer tunes that have some kind of
Balkan sound. But if I had just Balkanized the Yiddish tunes I learned, I
would have missed the opportunity to learn so much about music, art,
prayer, culture, Yiddishkeit...

There are so many nuances and fine points in klezmer music, it's wonderful
to be learning it.

Peggy Davis

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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