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Re: klez go classical (was: Buena Vista Social Club)

In a message dated 10/9/99 2:26:56 AM, horowitz (at) styria(dot)com writes:


?The 3 string players (of Budowitz) have the function of carefully

embalming as far as possible, the tears of the lost east European

shtetls. The fact that such music, with its superbly distorted rhythms

and its daring dissonances does more to punish than it does to

entertain, doesn?t detract from its fascination. And towards the end, as

the repeated ritual began to cripple itself, Budowitz was replaced by

Kol Simcha just in time. This group builds upon Budowitz?s tradition,

writes their own songs a >>

Hi Josh,

For my purposes at Hatikvah, I would take that review as a compliment. I 
can't tell you how many cases of "Budowitz" I have gone through.  I 
originally discovered the recording when one of my customers in Germany sent 
it to me long before it was released in the US .We imported and sold large 
quantities of the recording before it became available here.
Looking forward to your next project, if the review is equal to the one 
above, I'll just have to double my order!

Shake your "Budo", wits

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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