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Re: Kol Ishah from a Fancophone Slant

Good for you Judith!!!!!!:
Of course I gotta say from my hearts of hearts....I hope that there is a day 
when it's "OK" for women to be in the sanctuary.  But at least we're "In The 
House," so to speak.
Trudi The G

>From: "Judith Cohen" <judithrc (at) hotmail(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Kol Ishah from a Fancophone Slant
>Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 15:50:45 PDT
>hi, sorry for taking slight liberties with the name of this list... I had 
>quote a message I just received. I'll be doing a small concert for the VERY
>small Jewish community in Moncton, New Brunswick, possibly the most
>functionally bilingual (French-English) city in N. America. The prganizer
>had just told me it was an orthodox synagogue and so I asked whether he was
>sure Kol Ishah wouldn't be a problem (I needn't, for my fellow list members
>here, summarize my experiences in this direction. His reply:
>Si la synagogue est orthodoxe - pas de probleme pour "Kol Ishah"? J'ai
>"Mais pas du tout. Le concert se ferait dans la salle en bas, pas dans le
>sanctuaire, il n'y a absolument aucun probleme et d'ailleurs il y a deja eu
>maints artistes feminins qui sont venus a Tiferes Israel."
>("But not at all! [i.e. not a problem]. The concert would be in the
>downstairs hall, not in the sanctuary, there is absolutely no problem and
>besides, we've already had many women artists at Tiferet Israel".
>No comment, just thought I'd share this positive message with you...
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