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Kol Ishah from a Fancophone Slant

hi, sorry for taking slight liberties with the name of this list... I had to 
quote a message I just received. I'll be doing a small concert for the VERY 
small Jewish community in Moncton, New Brunswick, possibly the most 
functionally bilingual (French-English) city in N. America. The prganizer 
had just told me it was an orthodox synagogue and so I asked whether he was 
sure Kol Ishah wouldn't be a problem (I needn't, for my fellow list members 
here, summarize my experiences in this direction. His reply:
Si la synagogue est orthodoxe - pas de probleme pour "Kol Ishah"? J'ai

"Mais pas du tout. Le concert se ferait dans la salle en bas, pas dans le 
sanctuaire, il n'y a absolument aucun probleme et d'ailleurs il y a deja eu 
maints artistes feminins qui sont venus a Tiferes Israel."

("But not at all! [i.e. not a problem]. The concert would be in the 
downstairs hall, not in the sanctuary, there is absolutely no problem and 
besides, we've already had many women artists at Tiferet Israel".

No comment, just thought I'd share this positive message with you...

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