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francophone (not fancophone, sorry) slant

Hi, sorry for the missing "r". Re Eliezer's question "are they Sephardic?" 
No, they're Ashkenazi, but live in a largely francophone environment and our 
correspondence has been in French. The Sephardim in Toronto have in three 
cases out of four been responsible for my own negative experiences with the 
Kol Ishah issue - in Morocco, it apparently wasn't a problem, but here they 
appear to have picked it up from some Ashkenazi groups. In any case, here is 
what my Moncton correspondent said this morning:
" Re: bonjour
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 08:40:44 -0300
Je ne suis pas un expert mais suis pas mal certain que ce rabbin-la
avait completement tort car la soi-disante restriction de ne pas
"entendre la voix de la femme" est supposee ne s'appliquer que dans la
prière, la communication avec Dieu"
(translation: "I'm not an expert but am pretty sure that the rabbi you 
mention was completely wrong, as the so-called restriction is supposed to 
apply only in prayer, in communication with G-D.")
I'm not an expert either - just passing it along. If you want to stop the 
thread on the list, though, just tell me. Cheers, Judith

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