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Re: "Exotic" Jewish Music

Well, "Almonds & Raisins Cha Cha Cha", for starters, which is like a Perez 
Prado vibe on Yiddish songs.  It was on RCA and I forget the leader's name.  
Also, let us not forget Irving Fields.

It's impossible to find any kind of entertainment trend  in the fifties that 
did not make it somehow into Yiddish entertainment comportment of one type or 
another.  Bas Sheva's Capitol album SOUL OF A PEOPLE definitely has a kind of 
Yma Sumac implication in its arranging and orchestration.

Also, there are a million chintzy cocktail versions of "Exodus" and "Hava 
Nagila", including a medley of those two together by none other than Mr Exotica 
himself, les Baxter, recorded in 1961.

Skip Heller  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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