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Re: Kol Isha

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Kame'a Media wrote:

> It's like: "Okay, we won't bring the Black guy".

Ah, Wolf... you make being part of this list so much more entertaining.
Cute comparison, but I don't think that it holds mayim.

> Your position perpetuates, in my view, a social injustice and panders to
> dangerous regressive forces that harm us all.  The intermarriage and
> assimilation issue is a distraction.

"Regressive" or "repressive"?  Orthodoxy's issue with kol isha is old-hat.
Further, intermarriage/assimilation is a distraction that will (if
unchecked) slowly - but surely - remove for the need for this listserv
altogether.  I don't see Orthodoxy's treatment of women as a social
injustice in the context of Judaism, but it sure doesn't look right in
90's America, eh?  My question is, are we as Jews truly "fish on dry
land", or do we want to be like everybody else?  If the former is true,
you need to redefine "social injustice" and your use of the word, "us".

> Jewish life and living are too precious to be dominated by the monolithic
> arcane views of a handful of MEN ONLY.

Until recently, I'd agree with you.  However, Orthodoxy contains a very
large (vocal) constituent of women who CHOOSE to be Orthodox.

> I believe Judaism is an evolving civilization.
> Jewish institutions are another matter.

OK... the dinosaurs evolved themselves right into extinction.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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