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Re: uncredited music on CDs

In a message dated 09/09/1999 4:51:16 PM Central Daylight Time, 
rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< Other than asking me (not the 
 worst possible solution, but hardly an ideal one, and there are certainly 
 limitations to my recognition of such melodies), how can we help musicians 
 and performers to identify (or confirm the identity of) the composers of 
 liturgical melodies (niggunim) they perform?  Any thoughts? >>

Good question.  Trying to find out to whom to attribute "traditional" 
melodies (esp. Yiddish theater songs) one often ends up being chased down by 
some clearing house that has bought the rights en masse in order to make a 
buck off forgotten tunes.  I'd love to have an good source for attribution 
(and an inking of whether royalties go to the estate of the author, which I 
think is fairer).  At this point, though, I'd call YIVO archives or Zalman 
Mlotek (sorry, ZM).  
Shanna Tova, y'all!
Lori Lippitz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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