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The 5th Annual InterGalactic Jewish Music Festival - Philly

Hi all, some of this is not confirmed yet, but here's what we are working
on for this year's festival in Philly.

November 7, 1999 - Commodore Barry Club in Mt. Airy section of Philly
Supersonic Rockin' Jewish Dance Party with
Benny and The Vildachayas
Yom Hadash
The Klingon Klezmer Band

November 14, 1999 - The International House Folklife Center in West Philly
Jewish Music from Venus:Women Playing Jewish Music featuring
Judith Cohen

Also, I am hoping to incorporate the Knitting Factory's Jewish Alternative
Music Tour into the festival. It features
Uri Caine
Paradox Trio
This is still in the works and we have no date or venue yet.....hopefully
we will soon.

Look for the official E-Mail flyer for the festival in a week or so.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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