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Question to Judith Cohen

Dear Judy,

I very much enjoyed your performances at KlezKanada last month. They were
one of the delights of the event.

you recently wrote:
>Over the past few days at Ashkenaz, I`ve been involved in several 
>discussions about change, innnovation, continuity etc. No conclusions! My 
>point of view as a trained ethnomusicologist tends to be much more wide open 
>and tolerant of change than my point of view as an individual person - a 
>positive result of the academic approach!

What do you mean? That intellectually you can accept changes that have been
or are taking place in Judeo-Spanish music; but you don't so easily accept
these changes in terms of what you want to do as a performer? or want to
listen to?  or how you feel?

I am also interested that you refer to your intellectual acceptance as a
comparatively more positive result.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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