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Holocaust music in Greece

For Reyzl and others, from the latest Sefardi Electronic Archive:

"Macedonia And Thrace, 1941-1944, Occupation-Resistance-
Liberation", Institute for Balkan Studies, No. 269, Thessaloniki,
1998. Institute for Balkan Studies, 31 A.M. Alexandrou Street,
Thessaloniki, Greece.

Albertos Nar, "Popular songs on the Holocaust of the Jews of
Thessaloniki", 231-241.[Greek]

"Alberto Nar wrote a unique Greek article about songs about
the Salonikan Jewish Holocaust experience; most of whom were
written by Salonikan Jews in Judeo-Spanish and Greek. He also
noted the music of the recently deceased Corfiote Auschwitz
survivor Nisim Matitia, who was one of the living forces of the
Tel Aviv-based Greek-Jewish Holocaust survivor musical group.
Another member of the group, Haim Refael, a Salonikan survivor,
was sited as expounding upon a capella for Holocaust musical
repertoire. Nar pointed to music not only commemorating the
Auschwitz experience, but reminiscing about the Regie Vardar

Joel Bresler
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