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Ladino, Springtime in Salonica

Just a note: Yannatou's recording came out a couple of years AFTER my own of 
the same title - my full title (released in Spain onTecnosaga) is actually 
"Primavera en Salonica - Canciones de los sefardies y sus vecinos" 
(Springtime in Salonica: Songs of the Sephardim and their nneighbours"), 
named for a song which I actually learned in Salonica. It's been reissued on 
CD recently.
And re the appearance of a book of "ladino music" - there really is, I 
repeat (sorry !) no one thing which can be called "Ladino music"; indeed 
this is a bit of a misnomer as the music is not "Ladino"; the words are.If 
the forthcoming songbook is, say, from Salonica, then it's a book of 
Judeo-Spanish (or Ladino, if one insists) songs from Salonica, or Sephardic 
songs from the Salonica tradition, or whatever. (I'm looking forward to it, 

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