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Re: "Ladino" primer

In the last 10 years, I have tried to accumulate the best sellection of
 (quality) Ladino recrdings available. As of this time, Hatikvah Music has 
over 90 Ladino Cds, most are imported and from "authentic' "Ladino speakers". 
 The majority of these recordings  include the Lyrics in Ladino , the country 
of origin, and often English.  Joel Bresel has been of great help to me in 
this endevor.

Unfortuately, because of the limited demand for Ladino recordings, and Jewish 
music in general, there are so many great and IMPORTANT recordings that are 
no longer available  because of lack of support from our community.

In the last 3 weeks I have recieved more inquireies about  "Spring In 
Salonika" by Savina Yannatou than in all the time we have carried this 
excellent recording-thanks mostly to the review of this recording on Ari's 
Klezmer Shack

The availablibily of this recording has been 'spotty" at best due to problems 
(manufaturing cost and limited marketability) in Greece; a very detailed 
booklet is included with the CD, and therefore have not been able to get any 
stock of this title in over 5 months. I have been in touch with the label a 
number of times  over the last few months, but to no avail. Fortunately, one 
of my Non-Jewish music) sources overseas has limited quantities of this title 
-just sitting on the shelf- and we should have them in stock in about 2 weeks.

We are currently in negotiatios with a European company n the exclusive 
distribution of a wonderful Ladino music book. Naturally, we will inform the 
list when this comes to pass.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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