Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Dear Friends,

I have received a good response thus about "The Way Within", a documentary 
focused on teens and their reaching back to their cultural heritage.

I am still looking for an ongoing program in your Shetl and would like to find 
a mentor who has inspired teens throughout the year. The program will be seen 
through the eyes of a teen and they will be part of the actual production 
process. The program may have been started by a teenager and mentored by an 
adult. There are many possibilities. This is your story.  The only requirement 
is that the program  shimmers with love, and tradition.

Is there anyone involved with the building of Klezmer instuments, researching 
the history and performing as a group to communities?

Is there an inter-generation process involved-- granparents parents, Survivors 
of the Holocaust that are part of your program?

I would like to find my program within a week or so that the actual research 
can take place. 

I am happy to hear from the teens, facilitators or mentors involved with the 
program. If you know of a contact around the country please specify. I will 
call or write after I hear from individuals on or off the list. 

Talk Soon,

Janice Harrison

PS. I heard that there is a gentlemen on the list that makes Klezmer 
instruments in his basement--its a Broombass I think. Who is this person and 
does he mentor kids.

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