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Awesome benefit concert (fwd)

FYI, for Beantowners.  Any list participants who come, please find me and
say hi!  I'm the one with long hair and tzitzis.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 11:10:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michelle A. Frankel" <frankel (at) bio(dot)bu(dot)edu>
To: hf (at) world(dot)std(dot)com
Subject: Awesome benefit concert

Dear Hayyim,

        I just wanted to let you know about an amazing house concert and
vegetarian barbeque happening next week that is to benefit the Coalition
on the Environment and Jewish Life.  It features Ladino, Jewish-Iraqui and
Yemenite music sung by George Mordecai, who has a voice from Shamayim, and
who tells stories about the origins of his songs.
The announcement is below and if you could forward it to anyone who might
be interested, I'd really appreciate it.
        Thanks so much and I really hope you can make it.

Take care,


Greater Boston Chapter, announces:

TUNES AND TOFU: A COEJL Benefit House Concert and Vegetarian Barbeque
Sunday, August 15, 6:00 PM, 33 Nobscot Road, Newton

Come enjoy a vegetarian barbeque and concert of Jewish music from the 
Sephardic, Iraqui and Yemenite community performed by George Mordecai and 
Rabbi Sami Feldman.  Your contribution will support COEJL's on-going 
environmental education and advocacy efforts.

George is a fifth year cantorial student at the Jewish Theological Seminary 
in New York. He was raised in Sydney, Australia in an Iraqui Jewish 
community where he was exposed to Iraqui Jewish traditions from an early 
age. He has since gone on to perform this style of music throughout North 
America, Israel, Great Britain and Australia. Rabbi Sami Feldman graduated 
from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1991. Raised in New York, he learned 
to play the guitar and mandolin at an early age. Currently, he continues
to record and perform Jewish and Eastern music.

Tickets: $36  RSVP to Robin Saks (617) 232-0093 or e-mail: saks (at) 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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